Folks, I lifted this from a page of an Indian website. It looks very engaging, how they handle discussions. So we might find it helpful when dealing with issues. Emma
I have a proposal for conservatives who are reading this post.
Let's have a forum that discusses issues and ideas that are important to conservatives.
In this forum, we could bandy around ideas, and challenge and clarify these.
This forum could be a place where we could state ideas and questions without it degenerating into rants and attacks. We will support one another and point out flaws and inconsistencies in one another's thinking. We can feel free to write, even if we are unsure of our positions.
We could provide good references, locations of forums, and internet sites.
I would like to add one important thing, however: The "liberals" will come to this public forum and start with the rants and attacks; they will try to elicit responses by a number of methods. We can play their games on other forums. I suggest that we do not respond and hit the "ignore" button. Do not even give a one-word response; DO NOT RESPOND AT ALL. They can read our posts and talk among themselves; we will not see it.
Let's give it a shot! Any suggestions?
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