The Democratic Party of the Philippines was organized in 2009 to answer the needs of its members to help the home country, the Philippines reach an era of responsive, ethical and responsible governance. Its members include the citizenry from the sectors of: agrarian reform beneficiaries, ex-priests, tribal groups, senior citizens, government workers, retired soldiers, business and other multi-sectoral groupings.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

EMMA OROZCO, 1 Sept 2009

Without knowing the mindset, is it not possible t unite with one another on the basis of feelings? Some people may not know how to talk, or to discuss yet they can get along with each other. In other words, to know the mindset is too philosophical for me, too rational. Don't you think there are people whose sense antennae are so strong that they can unite with a person or group of persons readily feeling his or her way through?

I think this is what unites us as the Filipino people. Although not many of us can philosophize or hardly dissect the situations we are in, we readily come to be friends with so many people. In fact, even through the eyes, we readily are able to communicate.

The mindset of the Filipino people actually is attuned to others. Most of the time, they or we do not really focus on what we want or what we want the world to be, and so what happens is that we just go through the process of living, or the changes caused by others.

Yet, it is also possible that we readily come to an important decision when we realize that some people are being oppressed or napagkakaisahan. We come to the rescue because we feel compelled by instinct, by religion or by political reasons, whatever.

And so what unites the Filipino people I think is the way we feel free and comfortable with each other even without analyzing why we do so.

In fact, I have seen this when I went abroad. Readily, we greet each other, even raise our eyebrows in recognition, "Ay Pinoy!" because we have that instinctual affinity with each other. Tell me what nationality raises their eyebrows in recognition? Only the Filipino.

Any comments, Folks? Wow, this corner looks like it's going to raise a lot of discussions, ha. Very nice feeling I have. Emma

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