The Democratic Party of the Philippines was organized in 2009 to answer the needs of its members to help the home country, the Philippines reach an era of responsive, ethical and responsible governance. Its members include the citizenry from the sectors of: agrarian reform beneficiaries, ex-priests, tribal groups, senior citizens, government workers, retired soldiers, business and other multi-sectoral groupings.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

NELSON A. PAGUYO, 3 Sept 2009

From: ofcouncil@yahoogrou [mailto: ofcouncil@yahoogrou ] On Behalf Of NELSON A PAGUYO

Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 12:05 AM
To: ofcouncil@yahoogrou

Subject: [ofcouncil] Your Solution to a Fragmented Society/Uniting the Filipinos

Hi All.

I am inviting everyone to participate if you can. This is purely VOLUNTARY.

TOPIC: Your Solution to our Fragmented Society/Uniting the Filipinos.

GOAL: To survey the general thinking of individuals in this forum how they propose to resolve our Fragmented Society and to share each recommended solution in a format that is coherent and easily understandable.

PURPOSE: To give us all an understanding on how and what we are thinking and hopeful be enlightened with our differences as individuals and with the root causes why our society is so fragmented.


1. Submit your solution/thesis. Defend it by supporting your solution/thesis with historical events, personal experiences or any means to convince the other parties why your solution is sound, appropriate and reasonable.

2. Submitted solution/thesis IS NOT SUBJECTED TO DISCUSSION at this time; perhaps later if there are interests in pursuing certain solution/thesis submitted.

3. Use only the ENGLISH language for your submission.

Let’s apply a doctor’s methodology in treating a disease: get a good history of the symptoms, examine the patient, make a diagnosis then treat the patient. Our patient is the Philippine. Diagnosis is fragmented society. Symptom is our Filipino Mindset as illustrated in the previous postings of symptom 1–3. Finding is deteriorating social conditions i.e. poverty, poor governance, etc.

My solution to our fragmented society which has been posted is to Understand the Filipino Mindset.

Thanks for your participation. I hope this will give us an idea who we are as a people.


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