The Democratic Party of the Philippines was organized in 2009 to answer the needs of its members to help the home country, the Philippines reach an era of responsive, ethical and responsible governance. Its members include the citizenry from the sectors of: agrarian reform beneficiaries, ex-priests, tribal groups, senior citizens, government workers, retired soldiers, business and other multi-sectoral groupings.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

BOB GABUNA 4 Sept 09

Kabayan Bert -

REUR suggestion to declare Martial Law, who do
you expect to execute it?

The incumbent administration which is peppered
with innumerable charges---factfual or fictional,
of being the most corrupt government since the
islands of 7,000 (to borrow the lingo of JM) turned
to become a Republic?

If we'll rely with the military establishment, the
Armed Forces, headed by General Ibrado, granting
that the current Chief-of-Staff is a man of integrity;
nonetheless, we would find ourselves in a deeper
moral and legal quagmire.

What is the mandate of the Armed Forces to rule
the nation?

What is our assurance that the jailers of the false
leaders of today, will not turn out to become false
leaders themselves after a year or two?

In any social contract, the other party must have
the consent---kasalan man, or business partnership
both must signify their willing volition that none
of them were coerced.

To place the recidivist false national political leaders
in straight jackets sounds romantic.

But...but, by what virtue the implementors of Martial
Law draw their authority from?

Masalimuot ang surilanin ng luhaang bansang Pilipinas.

Hay, bayan ko...

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